Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

7 Ways To Look Younger In 30 Minutes

7 Ways To Look Younger In 30 Minutes

  • by Redbook, on Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:48pm PDT

Keep your eye-cream in the fridge for quick under-eye depuffing. The cold constricts blood vessels to help swelling go down- and it feels extra refreshing.

2. An at-home gloss treatmentdramatically amps up shine and refreshes your highlights, giving your face a happy boost. Try: L'Oreal Paris Colorist Secrets Shine Gloss, $9.

How To Look Younger Now

3. Define your eyebrows.
A pair of full, arched brows works like an instant eye lift. Pluck errant hairs and fill in sparse areas with a fine-tipped brow pencil.

4. Apply a firming body cream.
Toned, taut skin is the age-defying holy grail (see: Demi Moore). Try: Jergens Skin Firming Daily Toning Moisturizer, $5.

How To Look Younger By Tomorrow

Have your stylist snip you some layers. Hair that moves lifts your features and just looks fun and free.

6. Take a brisk 30 minute walk whenever you can sneak one in. You'll jump start your metabolism and circulation and it'll give you a nice rosy glow.

How To Look Younger In a Week

7. Short nails, painted sheer and pink give off a young, fun vibe and make your hands look effortlessly flawless. Try: Essie's Ballet Slippers, $8.

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Manfaat Mengejutkan Buah Apel

Manfaat Mengejutkan Buah Apel
Siapa kira kalau Apel ternyata mampu melindungi paru, mencegah asma, dan melawan kanker.
MINGGU, 17 OKTOBER 2010, 08:14 WIB
Antique, Lutfi Dwi Puji Astuti

VIVAnews - Mengonsumsi makanan sehat seperti buah memang sangat dianjurkan. Salah satu buah yang bisa Anda masukkan dalam menu sehat harian Anda adalah apel.

Buah berkulit mengilap dan memukau ini ternyata menyimpan banyak manfaat kesehatan untuk tubuh Anda. Seperti dikutip dari laman Shine, ketahui manfaat kesehatan dalam buah apel:

1. Mereka Makanan Lambat
Dikemas dengan kandungan serat lima gram mampu memenuhi 20 persen dari nilai asupan gizi harian Anda. Tekstur buahnya yang renyah bisa memaksa Anda untuk berusaha mengunyah. Kegiatan ini bermanfaat sebagai pengganti senam wajah.

Selain itu, pemanis alami dalam apel mampu memasuki aliran darah secara bertahap, membantu menjaga kadar gula darah dan tingkat insulin stabil sehingga Anda merasa kenyang lebih lama.

2. Melindungi Paru dan Mencegah Asma
Berdasarkan penelitian yang dikembangkan dari Britania Raya menyatakan, wanita yang mengonsumsi buah apel secara rutin saat mengandung bisa memberikan keuntungan kesehatan pada bayi yang akan dilahirkannya.

Selain itu, konsumsi apel bisa mencegah anak mengembangkan penyakit asma ketika usianya mencapai lima tahun. Buah ini juga dapat melindungi paru-paru orang dewasa, menurunkan resiko asma, kanker paru-paru, dan penyakit lainnya.

3. Pengikis Kolesterol
Berkat dua komponen kunci, pektin (sejenis serat) dan polifenol (antioksidan kuat), apel dapat mengambil mereduksi kadar kolesterol darah dan mencegah oksidasi LDL ("buruk") kolesterol, proses kimia yang mengubah menjadi plak penyumbatan arteri.

Trik untuk memaksimalkan manfaatnya, jangan membuang kulitnya, kulit apel memiliki dua sampai enam kali senyawa antioksidan seperti daging.

4. Melawan Kanker
Lab penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa beberapa senyawa dalam buah berair dan berdaging renyah ini mampu membunuh pertumbuhan sel kanker. Namun, khasiatnya akan bekerja baik jika buah ini dikonsumsi secara utuh.

Orang yang mengunyah lebih dari satu hari lebih, berisiko rendah menderita kanker, mulai dari kanker mulut, esofagus, usus besar, payudara, ovarium, prostat, dan lain-lain. Para penelitia Italia memperkirakan, mereka yang mengonsumsi apel secara rutin bisa mencegah penyakit mematikan ini 42 persen.

5. Mencegah Pikun Dikemudian Hari
Mungkin karena mereka meningkatkan produksi asetilkolin, zat kimia yang mentransmisikan pesan antara sel-sel saraf, sehingga kandungan apel mampu menjaga ketajaman otak seiring pertambahan usia, meningkatkan memori, dan berpotensi mengurangi kemungkinan mendapatkan penyakit Alzheimer.

Penelitian terbaru ini telah dibuktikan oleh para peneliti dari University of Massachusetts di Lowell.

• VIVAnews

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Meninggal Saat dalam Tidur

Minggu, 17/10/2010 16:33 WIB

Meninggal Saat dalam Tidur

Irna Gustia - detikHealth

(Foto: thinkstock)
Jakarta, Banyak kasus orang yang tidak sakit apa-apa meninggal dalam tidurnya. Kejadian seperti ini banyak menimpa orang muda yang terlihat sehat dan tidak menunjukkan gejala-gejala sakit keras. Apa penyebab meninggal dalam tidur?

Di dunia kedokteran istilah ini disebut
Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome(SADS) atau sindrom kematian mendadak arrhythmic. Sindrom ini bukan serangan jantung dan penderitanya tidak mengidap sakit jantung hanya mengalami kelainan irama jantung.

Seperti dilansir dari, Minggu (17/10/2010) orang yang terkena SADS kadang-kadang tidak ada tanda-tanda khusus tapi beberapa gejala seperti pusing, jantung berdebar-debar, detak jatung cepat, sesak napas kadang terjadi.

Karena gejalanya tidak khas terkadang orang menganggap dirinya hanya kecapaian yang kalau dibawa tidur akan sembuh. Namun yang terjadi ketika tidur malah membuatnya tidak bangun-bangun.

Contoh kasus seperti dikutip
BBC terjadi pada perempuan bernama Sarah Didinal (37 tahun) yang meninggal saat tertidur. Setelah dideteksi dokter, diketahui Sarah terkena SADS.

Sarah yang memiliki tiga anak ini dikenal memiliki gaya hidup yang sehat dan tidak merokok. Sebelum meninggal dia mengaku sedikit kedinginan dan sakit tenggorokan.

Andrew Grace, Konsultan Ahli jantung di Inggris mengatakan kebanyakan kasus SADS terjadi pada orang muda dari mulai remaja hingga usia 30-an.

Kelompok seperti ini adalah kelompok orang yang merasa sehat sehingga tidak terlalu memperhatikan adanya gangguan irama jantung. Akibatnya karena merasa sehat-sehat saja mereka tidak melakukan pemeriksaan elektrokardiogram (EKG).

Faktor penyebabnya masih belum diketahui tapi diduga karena keturunan, kelainan genetik, pemakaian obat-obatan. Dokter mengingatkan hampir sebagian besar kematian orang muda saat tidur adalah kasus SADS.

Jika gangguan irama jantung ini bisa dideteksi lebih awal sebenarnya bisa dilakukan penyembuhan, tapi sayangnya jarang sekali orang yang sadar untuk memeriksakan dirinya karena dianggap masalah biasa. Tapi tidak semua jantung yang berdegup kencang adalah gangguan irama jantung apalagi jika sehabis melakukan kegiatan fisik.

Sementara pada bayi kasus ini dinamakan kematian bayi mendadak (
sudden infant death syndrome/SIDS) yang terjadi pada bayi di bawah satu tahun. Biasanya kondisi ini tanpa disertai gejala atau peringatan awalyang muncul.


Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

America's Most Fattening 'Diet' Drinks

America's Most Fattening 'Diet' Drinks

I was talking with my friend Dr. Travis Stork—host of TV's The Doctors—about his other gig, running the emergency room at Vanderbilt Medical Center. Though he educates millions about healthy living on TV, he comes up against some tough customers in the E.R. Like the woman who came in suffering complications fromdiabetes, and slurped from a 40-ounce soda as she described her symptoms! Clearly, some people still don’t realize just how responsible these drinks are for the ballooning of our waistlines. So much so, in fact, that one study that tracked thediets of more than 800 people found those who eliminated 100 liquid calories a day lost five times as much weight as those who cut 100 food calories. That means you’ll lose more weight by giving up soda than you will by passing on pizza. That’s great news for you, but really bad news for the soda industry—which depends on Big Gulps and the like to sweeten its bottom line (and expand yours).

So now the beverage industry is responding by casting their beverages in a new light. Today we hear of sweetened tea drinks brimming with antioxidants, 1,200-calorie smoothies that are "all natural" (so are sharks and hurricanes, by the way), and vitamin drinks that give you super-human strength. Not all of these drinks explicitly brand themselves “diet” drinks—the FDA would never allow that. But theyare using clever marketing campaigns to convince us that they’re vastly superior to the sugary syrups of yore. Problem is, many of these fluid flab-makers are actually worse than the drinks they aim to replace! But the good news is, you can fight back—and lose up to 20 pounds annually, for starters, just by swearing off the soda and iced tea. Then, shed even more weight by avoiding these dangerous "diet" drinks, compliments of the latest research from Drink This, Not That!

V8 Splash Mango Peach (8 fl oz)
80 calories
0 g fat
18 g sugar
What could possibly be wrong with a juice made from mangoes and peaches? Well, only 10 percent of the liquid in this bottle comes from fruit, and much of that is actually sugar-loaded apple juice. The other 90 percent is a blend of water and high fructose corn syrup. Sounds remarkably similar to soda, doesn’t it?

Drink This Instead!
V8 Original Low Sodium Vegetable Juice (8 fl oz)
50 calories
0 g fat
8 g sugar

Bonus Tip: Salads are another surprisingly deceptive food. They look healthy, but often have more calories than fast food. Avoid these 20 salads at all costs—they're less healthy for you than a Whopper!

#6: WORST 'HEALTHY' TEASnapple Green Tea
Snapple Mango Green TeaMetabolism (17.5 oz)
140 calories
0 g fat
33 g sugar

This isn’t the highest-calorie green tea on the market, but it is the most shameless. See the word “metabolism” riding that blue banner across the bottle? That’s Snapple’s way of suggesting this tea will help you burn calories. And while it’s true that green tea carries metabolism-boosting antioxidants, there aren't nearly enough in the bottle to transform your body into an energy-burning inferno. What's more, this tea has more sugar than it has “green tea concentrate.” It also has more sugar than a Snicker’s bar. If you want to drop pounds, start by cutting the sweet stuff.

Drink This Instead!
Honest Tea Community Green Tea (16 fl oz)
34 calories
0 g fat
5 g sugars

#5: WORST 'HEALTHY' SODA7Up  Antioxidant
Cherry 7Up Antioxidant (12 fl oz)
150 calories
0 g fat
37.5 g sugar

If antioxidants had lawyers, they'd sue 7Up for libel. This is just a can of liquefied candy. The basic recipe is carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial coloring. And the grand antioxidant load? A touch of citric acid—commonly added to soda for added bite—and 10 percent of your day’s vitamin E. Ten percent, that’s it! That’s less vitamin E than you’d find in a spoonful of sunflower seeds. (Get more instant weight loss tips by following me right here on Twitter.)

Drink This Instead!
7UP Plus Mixed Berry (12 fl oz)
15 calories
0 g fat
2 g sugar

Rice Dream Carob Rice Drink (8 fl oz)
150 calories
2.5 g fat (0 g saturated)
26 g sugar

What more would you expect from a dairy alternative made from a nutritionally feeble starch like rice? Rice milk is made by blending brown rice with water and straining out the solids. That’s why, unlike regular milk, it carries almost no protein whatsoever. What this carton has instead is an extra dose of fat, and for that you can thank the vegetable oil that Rice Milk pumps into the carton. You’re better off going with low-fat chocolate milk or choosing sugar-free almond milk.

Drink This Instead!
Almond Breeze Unsweetened Chocolate
45 calories
3.5 g fat (0 g saturated)
0 g sugars

Bonus Tip: If the idea of rice milk sounds strange, wait till you see the terrors coming out of restaurant kitchens across America. We found a plate of French toast that comes stuffed with both ice cream and cream cheese—for breakfast! Check out the worst offenders right here: Shocking New Food Creations of 2010.

Boost Chocolate Plus (8 fl oz)
360 calories
14 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
14 g protein
0 g fiber
24 g sugar

The 14 grams of protein in this bottle are a nice touch, but they don’t justify the nearly 100 calories of pure sugar. That’s more sugar than you’d find in a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar. If you’re looking for an on-the-go meal replacement, find one that doesn’t come with dessert already stuffed in the bottle. Our favorite is below. It packs in a sturdy cache of nutrients, 3 grams of fiber, and an equally impressive shot of muscle-building protein.

Drink This Instead!
Atkins Advantage Milk Chocolate Delight
160 calories
10 g fat (3.5 g saturated)
15 g protein
3 g fiber
1 g sugar

Naked Protein Zone Juice Smoothie (15.2 oz)
418 calories
3.5 g fat (2 g saturated)
53 g sugars
30.5 g protein

Protein is often what sets a stomach-filling smoothie apart from a fruit-flavored blood-sugar spike—but does it justify slurping down more calories than you’d find in a Quarter Pounder? No. Especially considering the fact that this bottle goes overboard with protein (while loading you up with 13 spoonfulls of sugar). One study pinned the ideal post-workout protein load at 20 grams. Anything beyond that is just extra calories.

Drink This Instead!
Odwalla Strawberry Protein Monster (15.2 oz bottle)
300 calories
6 g fat (1 g saturated)
33 g sugars
25 g protein

Bonus Tip: The healthier your eating (and drinking) habits, the less you have to worry about counting calories. Our list of the 25 Best Nutrition Secrets Ever will help you start dropping pounds fast. The best part: You'll never have to diet again!

Smoothie King CranberrySupreme (40 oz)
1,108 calories
2 g fat (0 g satureated)
8 g protein
192 g sugar

Smoothie King has different menus to meet different dietary goals, so you’d expect to find this one listed on the “Indulge” or “Build Up" menus. But no. Instead, Smoothie King identifies it as a “Stay Healthy” smoothie. But here’s the truth: Unless you’re on the verge of starving to death, taking in this many calories is the opposite of staying healthy. Plus, the barrel-sized cup in which Smoothie King serves it packs in nearly as much sugar as an entire jar of Nutella! That ain't right. Want to stay healthy? Find a leaner smoothie and stick to reasonable serving sizes.

Drink This Instead!
Blueberry Heaven (20 oz)
325 calories
1 g fat (0 g saturated)
7 g protein
64 g sugar

Now that you've seen our list of healthy beverages that aren't, check out the food equivalent: 25 "healthy" foods that are actually terrible for you. How many have you seen on your plate in the past? We bet quite a few.


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Jauhi Flu Dengan Rutin Berjalan Kaki

Jumat, 15/10/2010 19:10 WIB

Jauhi Flu Dengan Rutin Berjalan Kaki

Eya Ekasari - wolipop

Dok. Thinkstock
Jakarta - perti yang dikutip dari, terdapat sebuah studi yang melibatkan 50 wanita yang terbiasa berjalan cepat selama 45 menit sehari dan wanita yang tidak berolahraga. Dalam syudi tersebut diungkapkan bahwa lebih dari setengah wanita yang terbiasa berjalan, jarang terkena flu bila dibandingkan wanita yang tidak berolahraga. Hal ini dikarenakan, wanita yang terbiasa berjalan mengalami peningkatan sistem kekebalan tubuh

Anda mungkin sering mendengar bahwa latihan yang rutin bisa meningkatkan sistem imun dalam tubuh. Kata kuncinya disini adalah 'rutin'. Oleh karena itu, buatlah kebiasaan berjalan kaki dengan jadwal yang selalu sama seperti sebelumnya, agar tubuh tidak kaget. Setelah tubuh mulai terbiasa, mulailah untuk meningkatkan intensitas dan durasi latihan Anda.

Cara terbaik untuk mencegah flu:
1. Olahraga dengan rutin mulai selama 30-60 menit dalam sehari.
2. Diet sehat, menerapkan diet sehat setidaknya lima porsi sayuran dan buah dalam sehari.
3. Janga lupa untuk selalu mencuci tanga sesering mungkin. Anda tidak tahu bahkan sadar kapan tangan Anda akan menyentuh mulut. Kombinasi antara sabun dengan menggosok tangan akan menjauhkan anda dari kuman flu.
4. Usahakan untuk selalu menyimpan gel pembersih tangan di dalam tas. Anda tetap bisa membersihkan tangan walau jauh dari sabun dan air.


Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

How To Keep Your Kids Safe In The Car

How To Keep Your Kids Safe In The Car

Auto crashes are a leading cause of death for children. Here's how to keep yours safe.
By Hannah Elliott
Mother putting baby in car seat

Child Safety Week is Sept. 19 - 25, and it's no small cause: Car crashes are the leading cause of death for children 3 to 14 years old, and 2010 is on course to be a record-breaking year for the number of children who die from heat-stroke in parked cars.

"Children are the most precious cargo we can have," says José Alberto Uclés, a spokesman for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA. "We have to keep them safe."

An average of four children under the age of 14 are killed every day in motor vehicle crashes in the United States, Uclés says. But many injuries and fatalities are easily avoidable. Simple things like locking the power windows and using a booster seat can make cars much safer for children nationwide.

Safety First

We compiled our list of the best ways to keep your kids safe in the car with help from NHTSA, the traffic-safety arm of the Department of Transportation, based in Washington, D.C.

The No. 1 thing to remember when it comes to children and cars? Teach children well. Rollaway deaths, backover deaths and trunk entrapment can all be significantly mitigated by teaching them not to play in or around cars, and to move away from a vehicle when a driver gets in and when the car is started.

An important note: Although many cars come with detection devices like backup cameras or radars that emit sounds when they sense an obstruction behind the car, they cannot compensate for the act of circling the vehicle to make sure everything and every one is out of the way.

Installing Child Seats

Mother putting toddler in car seat

Safety seats are another big component of safe driving with infants and toddlers. Using them in passenger cars reduces fatal injury by 71% for infants and by 54% for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 4. In pickup trucks, fatalities are reduced by 58% for infants and 59% for toddlers.

Vitally important is ensuring the seats are installed correctly--nearly 75% of them are not, according to NHTSA data. You can find a safety-seat inspector close to your neighborhood by clicking on the NHTSA website. Parents should know that children progress from rear facing, to front facing, to booster seat to seat belts--in that order, and according to manufacturer directions for height and body weight. And all children under the age of 13 should ride in the back seat.

The biggest factor here for parents is resisting the urge to "graduate" their kids prematurely, says Debbi Baer, a labor and delivery nurse in Baltimore who instructs new parents in how to attach a safety seat.

"We've got to get the public out of the feeling that a developing move is moving the kids to the next stage," Baer says. "Every time you move down a step [to a larger seat], you're actually decreasing the protection."

Even very small infants must be in a child seat, not a sling, soft infant carrier or harness. ("Nothing is safer than a rear-facing seat," Baer says. "The survival rates are absolutely astronomical.")

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the safest place in the car for an infant is facing the rear in the middle of the back seat, with the front tilted at a 45-degree angle to help support the baby's large head and weak neck. (If the baby's head slips forward, place a rolled towel under the front edge of the baby carrier and using rolled towels on each side of the baby's head for extra support.)

Beat the Heat

Three kids in a car's backseat

A final precaution: Never leave children or babies unattended in a closed vehicle, even for a minute. The heating and cooling process for toddlers is vastly different than it is for adults, and that makes them particularly susceptible to overheating in a locked car or trunk.

According to NHTSA, even cool outside temperatures in the 60s can cause the car's interior to hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit and higher. (The inside temperature can rise almost 20 degrees within the first 10 minutes.) What's more, children's bodies overheat easily--infants and children under four are among those at greatest risk for heat-related illness--and children are less able to lower their body heat by sweating. That means that inside a hot car, a toddler's body temperature can rise three to five times as quickly as that of an adult, which can lead directly to heatstroke and death.

It's a sobering truth, this year especially: To date there have been 41 children who died from vehicular hyperthermia in 2010--already many more than last year's total of 33.

Five Ways To Keep Your Kids Safe In The Car

1. Babies face backward.

Face babies backward in their car seats. And keep them that way for as long as possible up to the height or weight limit of the particular seat. At a minimum, keep infants rear-facing until the age of 1 and until they weigh at least 20 pounds.

2. Toddlers face forward.

Keep toddlers in forward-facing car seats until they reach the upper weight or height limit of the particular car-seat (usually around age 4 and 40 pounds).

3. Use a booster seat.

Keep young children in booster seats--in the back seat--until they are as old as 8 years or at least 4'9'' tall. One way to tell if they're positioned correctly in the booster is to look at the seat belt: It should fit with the lap belt laying across the upper thighs and the shoulder belt fitting easily across the chest.

4. Never leave children inside a parked car.

According to NHTSA, even cool outside temperatures in the 60s can cause the car's interior to hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit and higher. (The inside temperature can rise almost 20 degrees within the first 10 minutes.) If a child is inside the vehicle, they can quickly succumb to heatstroke and death.

5. Protect your pregnancy.

When pregnant, wear the seat belt low across the belly, with the center portion placed firmly along the breastbone. Contrary to some myths, it's always safer to wear a seat-belt, even when eight or nine months pregnant, than to not wear one for fear of crushing the unborn child in the event of a crash.

Click here to see the full list of Ways To Keep Your Kids Safe In The Car